Dare to Discover

This podcast of April 2, 2007 continues the discussion of the discovery of the Divine Self.

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  1. Amy’s avatar

    Sitting with My head ever so slightly bent down. Eyes hollow and haunted with
    the emotion showing through.
    No time in the near past could compare to the time of nearing that came so suddenly
    yet not totally a surprise.
    Of all my lives this one is the hardest to bear. The lessons hardest are of this lifetime
    to learn, so difficult to admit to oneself and look out the window on the world of the creation.
    To really know the internal “knowing” one has when seeing with new eyes the first light of your
    Soul Self. Speak the language of love to your soul self your heart depends on this.
    The light is growing clearer my sight is growing sharper, my senses are heightened by
    the scents of the nature of time. Clean and sure. This blue planet is full of wonder and solitude.
    Hear the waves crash and conversely gentlely lap the sandy shoreline.
    Coming so close to that flower strewn,lovely scented path of light where the bridge crosses that river of
    time and conciousness. I look back now at how close it was in my vision but
    yet danced away at an instant of later. This physical body I have found myself in in this carnation
    is much like the others but both stronger and weaker as if all the past trials have made their mark.
    An ever so slight pain to the head, circling the ears. An instant of roaring and then ringing
    in one ear as if a tuning fork has been struck. Mixture of sadness and joy making this remembrance
    bittersweet. Making it a longing to touch the soul of the “other”. The joining is due to come soon.
    Time,space,conciousness, body and mind; soul to touch soul. Smooth silken touch that light of the “other”.
    The yearning to see, feel,touch are all only physical in this carnation; grow to know what conections made
    in this life are for purposes of learning and growing. The karma of change is as of a death.
    And like death it is not final but a beginning of the new. That is the yearning to come
    together of the soul self with the devine self is surely sheer ectasy, nirvana, heaven, enlightenment.
    Choose now to explore your soul to find the “self” the divine soul that is the true self of your being.
    The integration is time to finish now. It is done. No limits now, soar higher when you dream and
    choose this life that is yours to make the divine ascension.
