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From time to time an awakening human will go through a resting phase, giving  the physical body space to adjust to Soul Self energy. That is why you may feel that the energy seems to recede. It does not, we assure you. We just stop the process temporarily to allow the cells to adapt. As we have said before, the cells are awakening, enlivening, and that can take energy which explains feeling tired or lethargic on some days.

This is quite to be expected since your body is accustomed to operating in a certain way. When that routine is disrupted by something, say embodiment, the body has some resistance to the change. It is the resistance that uses the energy. The best thing to do is breathe gently though it.

Do whatever you can to nurture yourself. If you feel like taking a nap, take a nap.  Take a hot salt-bath (sea salt is best). Take a walk. Whatever you choose to nurture you. The nurturing is an important part of the process. Be kind, be gentle to you. No need to push, not need to force. Force will not work anyway, so don’t bother.

Now, we will just be still and breathe with you. You breath us, we breathe you.

In la’kech. I AM another You.


Recently, I had a conversation with my Soul Self regarding inter-dimensional communication. Many of you who have been on the journey for a while may not find anything new here. Nonetheless, I’m putting this “on the wind,” a gentle wind, for those who stumble upon this site. 😉

We like to think it is an open two-way communication instead of one-way messages from on high. In fact, we on this side find it very funny that you on that side place such a special value on our communications with you. Oh, we do love the communication but it is quite normal and natural for a human to actually talk to us, not as a form of meditation or prayer, but direct conversation. This is what we want the humans to understand. We want you to allow this communication with you.

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