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From Yeshua

Greetings, dear ones. It is I, Yeshua, who wishes to speak with you on this day, in this new time of Great Awakening. The Light seeds that we planted over two thousand years ago are sprouting and taking root. The Great One, Gabriel, has sounded his trumpet and we rejoice that you have heard his clarion call to awaken.

For centuries you struggled to keep the hope alive that one day the seeds would activate and it is so. We have worked with you all along your journeys even when you fell into deep sleep and forgetfulness. But buried deep within your genetic code was the trigger that we planted so that when the time was appropriate you would awaken into the True Self of your own Divinity. After our first coming, the world chose to walk into darkness and ignorance that was fostered by the Romans through what came to be known as Christianity. We know you tried to preserve our message of Love and Compassion in the scrolls and volumes some of which were finally discovered in your time, but the humans back then were not ready to forgive themselves and embrace Love.

Many of you have shame and guilt that somehow you were not good enough or strong enough to make humanity understand our message of compassion. Those of you who understood tried to record and save our words in the hope that one day, there would a time when the hunger for Truth would grow so strong that the Truth of Love would come forth. We tell you now that day has come. Of, we do not say all will be ready to forgive themselves and move beyond duality of dark and light, good and evil, for they fear their own darkness and death more than Love. But the time is here in this now moment that many have heard the call to awaken. It has been difficult at times to love and forgive yourselves for your perceived shortcomings and to embrace your own darkness. It has even been difficult for many of you to embrace your own Light Truth.

You have been invited to speak the worlds, “I Am God Also,” but they stuck in your throat. You have been invited to your own “I AM” but you have feared that you are not worthy. So many of you persevered and continued to try to face and embrace your own demons of guilt, shame, and worthlessness. So often we have watched you fall but get back up again and breath by breath find the courage to awaken more and more in your True Self. The clouds of mass consciousness—or we should say, mass UNconsciousness— have been thick and murky, indeed. But the Christ Seed has germinated and you have found the courage and compassion within yourselves to embrace this Truth that is springing up from within your very DNA.

And so it is, dear ones, that we on this side continue to encourage you to forgive with compassion for your long journey to fully awaken to your True Self.

So many of you worked to preserve our messages of love and compassion. You preserved our message that each human, regardless of what they are or what they have been or done, is worthy of the Love of All That Is, that each one is a child of God and an expression of the Unknowable and Unspeakable.

And so we want you to know that I AM and will always be by your side as you continue to awaken. In this day do not concern yourself with the others and their choices. It is for you to continue to breathe in Life and Love and open further to your own True Self. It is in this awakening that you enable any others who may choose to awaken also. Let go of the past teachings from the Ancients and from what came to be called Gnostics and Essenes. These writings that you worked and died to preserve are now only reminders of our message. Now it is time to expand beyond the possibilities of yesterday into the full Truth of the present moment. It is time to release the energies of Gnostic and Essene beliefs and experience Truth beyond belief.

The Kingdom of Heaven is here right now, not off in some fantasy away from Earth. It is here right now within each and every one of you. You are the Heaven and the Christ you have been waiting for and seeking. The journey home is complete. Home is here right now. Heaven is here right now for your acceptance and joy. We know it may be difficult for many to forgive and let go of the duality game they love to play, but enough of you have chosen Truth over belief, Experience over dogma, and Love over fear, to activate the Light Seed.

And so it is with great joy and love for you, the faithful servants of the Light, that we embrace you and hold you close just as we did so many centuries ago when we walked Earth together, sharing our love with each other and those who were ready to hear and see beyond our words. Our love and compassion for you has never waned over the tumultuous centuries, even when you felt alone and abandoned.

So, we invite you now to feel our embrace and know that I, Yeshua, and your own True Self are with you now and forever. We Are with you in your darkest hour and your brightest days. Let yourself feel our Truth and your Truth for you are sons and daughters of God. Let no person, church, or institution ever tell you again that you are anything less than a Divine Expression of All That Is.

I Am Yeshua and I hold you close to my heart in all compassion. You are dearly loved.

And so it is now and forever more.

Often on summer mornings I sit on the front porch swing, enjoying the quiet and a cup of freshly brewed coffee. But this morning there was something different as I was suddenly struck by how much simple pleasure I had in feeling the light, cool morning breeze on my face along with the aromas from the various plants around my house. I became acutely aware of the sounds of life: a baby crying in the distance, cicadas chirping loudly, young men and women on their morning runs, the swish of tires on the pavement as folks went about the business of the day.

Tears welled up into my eyes as I just sat swinging gently to and fro taking it all in and reveling in the small pleasure of the moment. I became aware, clearly for the first time in my life, that I was in the midst of Joy Itself. As I opened further to this new awareness, my Soulself began to speak quietly, the way She always speaks to me.

“Terry, this is what we have meant by the word, ‘Joy.’ For so long you have been thinking about and seeking the meaning. You thought Joy was a new car, a new lover, a trip to the mountains, a stroll along the beach, attending the next spiritual workshop, or some grand, exciting epiphany. Yes, it’s true these things are “enjoyable” but you know they last only for a time. These simple joys you are experiencing in this now moment are joys that last from each moment to the next.

It is so simple, this Joy. It has been with Us, you and me, forever. We have always been here with you, waiting for this moment when you could once more feel Us around you. You see, when you feel Us, you feel everything. Your awareness encompasses all of Life, just as in our past life experiences as First Peoples. You experience the Earth for She is Life. Life is not just what you call ‘natural’ things. Life is all, even the scent of automobile exhaust fumes that are carried to you on the wind currents.

To embrace life, is to simply embrace everything even those things you judge as bad or wrong or unnatural. Everything is natural regardless of what you think. So many times you looked for Us in other things and other places, but here We were—and here We are. YOU are the Joy you’ve been seeking. Joy that we speak of is the awareness of Now. This is the sweetness of Life. This is Joy.

And so, dear one, let me take your hand and walk with you into Now, into Joy of Being.”

I just sat there swinging, allowing myself to settle into this new and simple Truth. I remembered touching this Joy from time to time and how I dismissed it, thinking there had to be more to it. But there isn’t really. At least not for me. There is such peace and guiet in this Joy. Of course, my mind still wants to question and analyze. But here we are, my Soulself and I, holding hands and breathing Life together.

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