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Be Still and Know

Be still and in the stillness you will know I Am. I Am is not known through mental comprehension, faith, or belief. I Am is known through the stillness of the Divine Breath. I Am is not experienced through dogmatic teaching, information, or education programs of any kind. It is not known through repetitive affirmations. It is experienced through your own Divine Breath, but not from belief or faith in the Breath. It is a choice to allow yourself to actually begin to Breathe into and with your own Soul. This may sound esoteric and mysterious if you wish to analyze from the mind. But it is really quite simplythe Essence of All That Is though it has been called many things. Everything that Is or Was is born from Divine Breath. You may call it the Cosmic Breath, Breath of God, Breath of Inspiration, Breath of Compassion, Breath of Life, Holy Spirit, or Wakan Tanka. It is all these things for it is the Breath of All That Is. It is within and without all things.

You are your own Breath/Light. We use the terms Breath and Light interchangeably for Breath is the fusion of Dark and Light. In the stillness of Breath there is no duality only the oneness of Masculine and Feminine—Dark and Light uniting to form Creation. Light is your Essence.

To Breathe does not mean you are outside of the physical world. That would be missing the point altogether. To breathe is to invite everything that no longer serves you to come forward into the Light of your Soul for resolution and integration and takes a courageous and dedicated being, indeed. It takes one who is brave and dedicated to remembering the Truth of his or her own Light Being-ness.

Dare you know who you are and from whence you came to planet Earth?

Be still and know.

Wind, Earth, and Sky

And so it is that I, Kuntar, wish to share our words and our energy with you on this new day of awakening.

And so you find yourself once more back in the lands of your ancestors. Does it not seem strange that you keep returning to these lands (southwestern United States)? Of course, it is not strange at all for you and I have walked these lands and shared many adventures together. We have walked the canyons and trails sharing our stories and speaking of adventures…and of the time in the distant future that we would once again walk the path of life together. We did not foresee then that you would become human once more and I would remain on this side to work with you and once again share our energies together in this way.

We spoke of a time when all two-leggeds would reach the place of departure from the old ways. We spoke with much love and compassion of the day awakening would come to all, not just the few as was the case for so long.

I still remember our last walk upon the lands of what you now call Mesa Verde, the green table, and we knew that it was time—that our work was done. It was time to go. And we looked into each other’s eyes and each other’s soul and we made our promise that in a new day and a new time we would once more look into each other’s hearts and remember. That is why you returned to these lands so many times—not aware but yearning for the memories of happy times yet ready to make knew memories in the time of the Great Awakening—the time of the return of White Buffalo Calf Woman—the Feminine energy and the Wisdom to and for all Humans.

And so it is, dear one, we know you as Adahm, the one who listens to the Wind. For you always listened for Spirit upon the wind—even during your lives as a sleep walker. We know you remember your first visit (in your current lifetime) to Mesa Verde. As you stood upon the precipice overlooking the canyon, we came upon the Wind to you from behind and, brushing past you, we heard you exclaim, “Oh my God! They’re still here!” And it was so, though it took a few more years for your awakening to the one you have called, “The Chief.” And so it is with great joy and love that you and I once again unite in our common love and our common work together—you on that side and I, Kuntar, on this side. We continue our work as “bringers of the dawn,” a phrase coined by the dear one, Barbara Marciniak 1  for we are from the Stars—Star Seeds—planting the seeds of light upon a darkened planet Earth. And now we continue our work of the harvest, reaping the expanding consciousness that is upon our beautiful Earth.

Oh, the joy that we have that you at last remember. At the perfect time, old friend, at the perfect time.

Now we would speak further regarding your writing of yesterday. You wrote of breathing Earth and Sky. We would with your permission expound upon this important awareness. [Yes, of course.]

As you have written, many languages use the same word for air, wind, breath, and Spirit. Woniye wakan, Lakota; Ruahk, Hebrew; Ik, Mayan; Pneuma, Greek; Ha, Hawaiian; Spiritus, Latin; and so on. Is it not interesting that the only word in English which comes close is “Holy Spirit?” And even that is now separated and distinguished from air, wind, and breath. Even the language expresses the influence of the duality belief (lie) of the Christian Church that to be human is to be separate from Spirit.

Humans created all these words in so many languages to remind yourselves to Breathe your own Spirit Soul. Culture after culture, lifetime after lifetime, until the last two thousand years or so, you reminded yourselves to Breathe. Conscious Breath UNITES Human and Spirit, just as Wind UNITES Earth and Sky. As you felt this Truth this morning on your walk on the streets of Santa Fe, you reminded yourself to listen to the Wind once more. As the Great Uniter, She brings the Breath of Life to all beings and to all Creation. You have heard your scientists speak of “solar winds.” Even they assist in the awakening to Wind, Life, All That Is, Wakan Tanka, however you wish to phrase it, Spirit is all things.

We wish to remind all Humans to breathe Life for it is through this sacred wind that you awaken into your true selves for you are all Sacred Spirits. The Great Uniter, Wind (Breath), will gently nudge you awake so that you see yourself for who—and what—you truly are.

May the Wind of Life remind you of your own Spirit and unite you, the Human with You, the Spirit, and to your own Wisdom of what the First Peoples have called, White Buffalo Calf Woman. She is Wisdom of Soul. She returns now to your heart bringing the Joy of Life to all Humans regardless of race, creed, color, or belief. She returns to the hearts of all who choose to unite Masculine and Feminine and bring an end to duality. (Oh, many of the Humans will choose to play the duality game for a time and there is an Earth prepared for them until they are ready to join you in Unity and Awareness.)

We are so honored and Joy Full that you have allowed us to speak through you to all who might view these energy words. Many are seeking a new path, a new breath, a new wind upon which to soar into the Sun of their own Spirit.

We bring you greetings of deepest Love and greatest Compassion for your ways have been long and steep upon the road of Human life experience. We are pleased to join you now in awareness and walk with all of you into the greatest adventure of all. We are so happy once more to be with you, our old friends.

With the highest honor, we say, “Until we meet again,” for we never say, “Goodbye.”

I AM Kuntar, “the Chief” of Anasazi.


  1. Marciniak, Barbara. Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings of the Pleiadians. Bear & Company, 1992. ISBN 093968098X. []

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